
13 People's Republic of China

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Mao created a program in the 1950s to solve China’s agricultural and industrial problems to make China equal to Western countries. The program ultimately led to a great famine in China due to crop failures, during which 20 million people starved to death.

What was the name of this program?
Cultural Revolution
Great Leap Forward
Four Modernizations
Tiananmen Square protests


After the failure of the Great Leap Forward, Mao saw his idea of a classless society, where everyone was treated exactly the same and no one had more than anyone else, slipping away. His response was to urge students to leave school and make war on anything in society that encouraged class differences. This program tried to eliminate all previous programs and reorganized farms, businesses, and most of society.

What was this program called?
Cultural Revolution
Great Leap Forward
Four Modernizations
Tiananmen Square protests


In the 1970s, the Chinese government created a program to make money available for newer and better farming equipment and seed, and allow farmers to sell crops produced above their quota for their own profit. Factories began to increase production of consumer goods that were easier to sell.

What was this program called?
Cultural Revolution
Great Leap Forward
Four Modernizations
Tiananmen Square protests


Where do most people in China live?
in areas with milder climates
in the Gobi Desert
in Mongolia to the north
in the central plateau region


China is dealing with several environmental issues. Which issue does the process below describe?
air pollution
water pollution


China is dealing with several environmental issues. Which issue does the process below describe?
air pollution
water pollution


Which physical feature creates the MOST hydroelectric power in the world?
Chang Jiang River
Three Gorges Dam
Huang He river
all of the above

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


Which of the following were students protesting FOR or AGAINST in Tiananmen Square in 1989? Select ALL that apply.
for moving China’s government toward democracy
against corruption in the Chinese government
against Mao’s programs to promote a classless society
against communism


Which of the following statements describe China’s economy in the past and today? Select ALL that apply.
The government has had control of the economy of China since the Communist Revolution.
The government has tried to reorganize the economy with the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, but both attempts failed.
Today, the command economy is slowly changing, with more people owning small businesses. The economy is strong and continuing to grow.
China now has a mostly market economy.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the government of China and level of citizen participation? Select ALL that apply.
The Chinese Communist Party controls who can be a part of the government.
The government has three branches - the executive, the legislative and the judicial.
The head of state is the president, who is chosen by the National People’s Congress.
Citizens elect the members of the National People’s Congress.


The Huang He, or Yellow River, is one of the great rivers of China. Which of the following statements describe some of the benefits and problems the river creates? Select ALL that apply.
The flat area around the river leads to frequent floods that have killed millions of people.
It deposits silt along the river banks, which creates rich farmland.
Dangerous rapids make river travel difficult.
It benefits trade by providing a means of transporting goods and people.


Which of these statements are TRUE of the practice of religion in China? Select ALL that apply.
Most people in China practice a religion.
Over 50% of the people do not practice a religion.
Small numbers of people are Christians, Muslims, and followers of traditional or folk religions.
Of those that practice a religion, Buddhism has the most followers.

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